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This guide is provided for information and as it is. Cytron Technologies will not be responsible for any damage or data lost during the installation process. Do backup your microSD card if you have any concern.
Hardware :
Load OctoPi’s image using the Raspberry Pi Imager, Setup the SSH and Wireless Network, WiFi Country, Locate settings, under Advanced Settings.
For the operating System, go to Other specific purpose OS
Choose OctoPi.
For Storage, do choose the correct microSD card drive.
Press Ctrl + Shift + X to enable the Advanced Settings on Raspberry Pi Imager.
We set the hostname to octoscreen.local and enabled SSH with the password of “raspberry” for “pi” users. You can set what you want to, but do remember it as we need to use it later.
Of course, to ease the network connection, do put in your WiFi SSID and Password here.
And also the WiFi country and locale settings. Click SAVE to save your settings.
Click WRITE to write the image into the microSD card.
Now, the OctoPi Image has been set into the MicroSD.
For manual installation OctoPi
First, put Raspberry Pi 4 heatsink set which contain 3 pieces into the Raspberry Pi 4.
It will look like this on the Raspberry Pi 4.
Next, stack the 3.5-inch TFT LCD onto the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B board.
Make sure the GPIO-pin is aligned.
Put both RPi and the screen with the cooling fan into a casing.
It will look like this
Insert the microSD card into the microSD card slot.
Lastly, power up the Raspberry Pi with the power adapter.
Now on your laptop or computer, you must use a tool to login to OctoPi via SSH. I am using PuTTY. You can use other tools such as Powershell or VScode. You can download from the links if there is none available.
At this point, the LCD should just light up without any graphics or text. As we have yet to install the graphics driver.
With the “Advanced Settings” that have been configured earlier, the Raspberry Pi connects to your WiFi network. You can use an IP Scanner to scan the potential IP address of the Raspberry Pi. But since we have configured the SSH Host name, we will use that in PuTTY to create a connection.
Put the hostname into PuTTY and Click “Open”.
If the Raspberry Pi has connected to the WiFi network successfully, and the hostname is correct, you should be prompted with a Security Alert, first time only.
Click YES to proceed.
Key-in “pi” and Enter “raspberry” as the password for SSH, if that is what you have configured just now.
You are now logged into the OctoPi on the Raspberry Pi remotely via SSH. Meanwhile, since there is an IP address, you can now login to the octopi web interface to setup the Octopi like you usually do.
Now on your laptop or computer, you must use a tool to login to OctoPi via SSH. I am using PuTTY. You can use other tools such as Powershell or VScode. You can download from the links if there is none available.
At this point, the LCD should just light up without any graphics or text. As we have yet to install the graphics driver.
With the “Advanced Settings” that have been configured earlier, the Raspberry Pi connects to your WiFi network. You can use an IP Scanner to scan the potential IP address of the Raspberry Pi. But since we have configured the SSH Host name, we will use that in PuTTY to create a connection.
Put the hostname into PuTTY and Click “Open”.
If the Raspberry Pi has connected to the WiFi network successfully, and the hostname is correct, you should be prompted with a Security Alert, first time only.
Click YES to proceed.
Key-in “pi” and Enter “raspberry” as the password for SSH, if that is what you have configured just now.
You are now logged into the OctoPi on the Raspberry Pi remotely via SSH. Meanwhile, since there is an IP address, you can now login to the octopi web interface to setup the Octopi like you usually do.
We need to update the Raspberry Pi OS
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
Press y and Enter, for yes to proceed.
Depending on the data and internet connection speed, this process might take several minutes.
sudo reboot
Reboot the OctoPi.
It might ask for the password again, just key in “raspberry” and press Enter.
You need to restart the session in PuTTY and login into octoscreen.local again.
Install LCD graphic driver:
sudo rm -rf LCD-show
git clone
chmod -R 755 LCD-show
cd LCD-show/
sudo ./LCD35-show
This driver is LCD specific, this tutorial is based on this LCD:
The command of sudo ./LCD35-show will auto reboot the OctoPi and you will need to SSH back in.
However, the 3.5 screen will show text after this reboot.
Once SSH comes back in, continue with the following steps:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
There might already be the following text at the bottom of config.txt file, if so, please edit the parameters accordingly. Else please add all these text at the bottom of the text.
hdmi_cvt 800 533 60 6 0 0 0
Press Ctrl + O then Enter. Press Ctrl + X to save and exit the file editor.
Now reboot
sudo reboot now
Restart your SSH and log back in.
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0 xserver-xorg xinit x11-xserver-utils
And you will most likely to have error messages
sudo apt-get update –fix-missing
sudo apt-get install -f
Press y and ENTER to continue
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0 xserver-xorg xinit x11-xserver-utils
Press y and ENTER to continue installing
It should be installed properly this round.
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
sudo apt-get install git build-essential xorg-dev xutils-dev x11proto-dri2-dev
Press y and ENTER to continue
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
sudo apt-get install libltdl-dev libtool automake libdrm-dev
Press y and ENTER to continue
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
git clone
cd xf86-video-fbturbo
autoreconf -vi
./configure –prefix=/usr
sudo make install
sudo cp xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
sudo dpkg -i octoscreen_2.7.3_armhf.deb
sudo nano /etc/octoscreen/config
Ctrl + O and Enter then Ctrl + X
Save and exit nano.
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
sudo raspi-config
To configure Raspberry Pi Desktop
You might get an error, not to worry, just press OK and exit from the config.
sudo apt-get install lightdm
Choose octoscreen and press Enter
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
sudo apt-get -y install cmake
git clone
cd rpi-fbcp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo install fbcp /usr/local/bin/fbcp
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add /usr/local/bin/fbcp
Before exit 0
Ctrl + O and Enter then Ctrl + X
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
sudo apt-get -y install cmake
git clone
cd rpi-fbcp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo install fbcp /usr/local/bin/fbcp
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add /usr/local/bin/fbcp
Before exit 0
Ctrl + O and Enter then Ctrl + X
sudo reboot
Now reboot and SSH back in.
After reboot, octoscreen should be appeared.
Remember to connect the Raspberry Pi to a 3D Printer and Configure the OctoPi Web Interface. Else the “System” will not be working on OctoScreen.
Hope this helps and please follow exactly the command line and check the results. We have verified the above methods with a fresh OctoPi for several attempts and it is working fine.
Credits goes to following references: